Wednesday, 13 January 2016

English Fest 2016 at Osmania University, Hyderabad

Name: Osmania University English Festival, 2016
Date & Time: 20 January 2016, Wednesday from 9 AM to 4 PM
Venue: Department of English,
Arts College, Osmania University, Hyderabad - 500007
  • Only by mail.
  • The list of 10-12 students on the college letterhead
  • Attested by the Head of the Institution
  • Sent as an email attachment to
  • By 3 pm on 19-01-16.
  • No spot registrations.
1. Literary Quiz : ( Based on World Literature written in English from 16 Century to the present)
  1. One team of 3 members per college/university.
  2. One elimination round and one final round with 5 best teams.
  3. 10 am to 1 pm.
2. Dumb Charades: (Actions based on idioms and proverbs in English)
  1. One team of 3 members per college/university.
  2. One member enacts and the other two guess.
  3. 10 am to 12 pm.
3. Extempore Speech (From 50 English classics; List enclosed)
  1. Each participant picks up a topic and speaks for 2 minutes.
  2. 10 am onwards.
4. Memory Magic ( Listen to a song and arrange the words in order)
  1. One team of 3 members per college/university
  2. The three of them arrange strips of lyric lines in order.
  3. The team has to successfully arrange the lyrics of five songs in English.
  4. 10 am to 11 am.
5. Spellsmart ( Arrange  jumbled letters in the right order)
  1. One team of 3 members per college/university
  2. Three sets of 20 jumbled words are given from easy to difficult.
  3. The teams should complete the task.
  4. 11 am to 12 pm
6. Word Wizard ( Solve a cross word puzzle)
  1. One team of 3 members per college/university.
  2. Each team is given a cross word puzzle.
  3. The team should complete the cross word puzzle.
The Students who are Interested Please Contact Karuna Kumari & Nagamani (S & H Department)
  • G.Karuna Kumari 7702304995
  • Dr. B. Nagamani 9493284882
There will be 3 Prizes in each category. Participation Certificates will be given to all participants.

List of Classics for the Extempore Speech Competition:
  1. Hamlet—William Shakespeare
  2. Merchant of Venice—William Shakespeare
  3. Robinson Crusoe—Defoe
  4. Treasure Island—R.L. Stevenson
  5. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde—R.L. Stevenson
  6. Tale of Two Cities—Dickens
  7. Pride and Prejudice—Jane Austen
  8. Ivanhoe—Scott
  9. Silas Mariner—George Eliot
  10. The Wasteland—T.S. Eliot
  11. Wuthering Heights—Emily Bronte
  12. Prelude—William Wordsworth
  13. Black Beauty—Anna Sewell
  14. Tom Brown’s School Days—Thomas Hughes
  15. Huck Finn—Mark Twain
  16. Old Man and the Sea—Hemingway
  17. The Scarlet Letter—Hawthorne
  18. Moonstone—Wilkie Collins
  19. Cherry Orchard—Anton Chekov
  20. The Great Gatsby—Fitzgerald
  21. Animal Farm—George Orwell
  22. Three Men in a Boat—Jerome K. Jerome
  23. To Kill a mocking Bird—Harper Lee
  24. Lord of the Flies—William Golding
  25. Heart of Darkness—Joseph Conrad
  26. Of Human Bondage—Maugham
  27. Brave New World—Aldous Huxley
  28. Fahrenheit  451—Ray Bradbury
  29. The Caves of Steel—Isaac Asimov
  30. Invisible Man—Ralph Ellison
  31. Frankenstein—Mary Shelley
  32. The Importance of Being Ernest—Oscar Wilde
  33. The Grapes of Wrath—John Steinbeck
  34. Doll’s House—Ibsen
  35. Things Fall Apart—Achebe
  36. Midnight’s Children—Salman Rushdie
  37. Guide—R.K. Narayan
  38. Untouchable—Mulk Raj Anand
  39. Kanthapura—Raja Rao
  40. Jasmine—Bharati Mukherjee
  41. The God of Small Things—Arundhati Roy
  42. A House of Mr. Biswas—V.S. Naipaul
  43. The Inheritance of Loss—Kiran Desai
  44. The Namesake—Jhumpa Lahiri
  45. Surfacing—Margaret Atwood
  46. Fire in the Mountain—Anita Desai
  47. Shadow Lines—Amitav Ghosh
  48. The White Tiger—Arvind Adiga
  49. The Alchemist—Paulo Coehlo
  50. A Fine Balance—Rohinton Mistry

This Project is Designed & Developed by Venkata Bommineni
Contact Number: 8106604242
Maintained by Shanthan Kumar