Thursday, 22 October 2015

Final Online Test | CoCubes

Date:5th Nov,2015
Time:9:30 AM
Batch Timing:
EEE,ME ECE - 10:00am to 1:00pm​
CSE, I.T.,  -  2:00pm to 5:00pm.
Venue: All Computer labs 
The duration of the Pre-Assess will be three hours:
  • Aptitude – 60 minutes
  • Computer Fundamentals – 15 minutes
  • Domain – 30 minutes
  • Psychometric – 15 minutes
  • Coding – 60 minutes
  • Aptitude Test - 60 minutes

Analytical Reasoning:   Visual Reasoning, Statement & Conclusions, Relationships, Logical Reasoning, Attention to Details, Flowcharts etc
Numerical Ability : Concepts of mathematics including Time & Work, Speed & Distance, Algebra, Equations, Progressions, Profit & Loss, Ratios, Averages, Geometry, Data Interpretation
English Usage :Reading Comprehension ; Grammar including Articles , Prepositions, Sentence Correction, Speech, Tenses, Verbal Ability including Synonyms, Antonym, Spellings, Idioms and Phrases

Computer Fundamentals (15 minutes)
Basics of C/C++/OOPS - beginner level understanding of how to program in C or C++, basic syntax of these languages, theoretical knowledge about how these languages work
Basics of Data Structures – Beginner level understanding of data structures about fundamental types of structures such as trees, various methods of sorting etc
General topics in computing fundamentals to test knowledge about software, hardware, binary/decimal/hexadecimal conversions, everyday encounters with computers

Domain Test (30 minutes)
  • Electrical :Electrical Machines, EMMI, Network Analysis and Synthesis, Control Systems, Digital Electronics, Power Electronics, Power System and Instrumentation, Microcontroller and Microprocessor
  • Mechanical :Thermodynamics, IC Engines and Compressors, Theory of Machine, Engineering Material / Meterology, SOM, Fluid Mechanics
  • Electronics: Electronic Devices & EMMI, Network Analysis and Synthesis, Microprocessor & Microcontrollers, Digital Electronics, Communication System, Electronic Circuits, Control System
  • Computer Science  :C, C++, OOPS Concepts, Data Structures, DBMS concepts, Operating System Concepts, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Networking Concepts, Computer Architecture

Psychometric (15 minutes)
Behavioral profiling based on commonly known personality traits

Coding Test (60 minutes): Writing codes to solve a set of problems in language of choice : C, C++, C#, Java
NOTE :This exam Score will be Considered for CAPGEMINI & Further Companies expected through cocubes.

T.Abhilash Assistant Placement Officer (9491312121)
Arther Paul Placement Sr. Officer (8019810120)
A.I.Prashanth Placement Head 

This Project is Designed & Developed by Venkata Bommineni
Contact Number: 8106604242
Maintained by Shanthan Kumar