Saturday, 29 November 2014

Important stuff related to the End exams Dec2014

B. Tech 2-1,3-1,4-1 (R13,R09,R07)-(Dec2014) Regular/Supplementary Exam centres

 Exam Center For B. Tech:
Vignana Bharathi Institute of Technology.
Aushapur (V),Ghatkesar (M), R.R.Dist-501301.

Transportation Facility Is Available For The Students Who Are Attending For The Exam (2nd,3rd,4th) In VBIT.
  1. Board Your Busses At Your Respective Stops.
  2. Changes Will Be Takes Place At Rampally X Raod (9am).
  3. Busses For The 4th Years From GCET To VBIT Are (04,07,11,13,19 and 31).
  4. Buses for the 2nd And 3rd Years from Rampally X Raod (9am) to VBIT Are (14,20,21,23,24,25,26,27 and 33).
NOTE:- Buses are available for only those who paid the bus fee.

Info on Question Paper Pattern:
Single Set Will Be Given For All The Exams In Dec2014. (Info Is Given According To The Sources Of JNTU-H). 
As There Are No Sets, The Seating Arrangements Will Be In Such A Way That No Two Students Of Same Branch Should Sit Side By Side In Both The

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