Time: 9:00 AM
Venue: Wesley PG College , Secunderabad
Venue: Wesley PG College , Secunderabad
Companies Visiting:
WIN IT Software, Shore Infotech, Value Momentum, Vensai Technologies, Cubus banking Solutions,
3 More companies would participate on the day
Registration Fee: Rs. 200
Eligibility: B.Tech / M.C.A 2012/2013/2014 Pass out
WIN IT Software, Shore Infotech, Value Momentum, Vensai Technologies, Cubus banking Solutions,
3 More companies would participate on the day
Registration Fee: Rs. 200
Eligibility: B.Tech / M.C.A 2012/2013/2014 Pass out
Contact :
Rakesh: 9849167172
Shiva: 9948028181.
Rakesh: 9849167172
Shiva: 9948028181.