Sunday, 19 May 2013

Important info for B.Tech & B.Pharmacy 2013 Pass outs

Hope by this time u had completed your final semester exams & waiting for Results. We had started this posting in order to give an idea & info for students who are completing their Course/Degree.


Read entire topic before u post any question because all most all quires are answered here.
Stay Connected with JNTU-H until u gets your OD.

Terms used in the posting

Q = Question
Ans = Answer

Questions asked by many R09 regulation students.

Q) When Results will be released ?
Ans : Results will be released mostly within 30 to 45 days after completion of End Exams. We will alert u through SMS/Facebook/Twitter/Android App/Mail Alerts as soon as results are released.

Q) Do i need to apply for CMM,PC after results are declared?
Ans : No need to apply if u had cleared all the subjects from 1 to 4 years. CMM,PC will be sent to respective colleges within a week after declaring the results along with 4-2 memo.

Q) Can i apply for CMM,PC in Tatkaal Mode ?

Ans : If you are in a urgent need of memos then u can apply for CMM,PC in Tatkaal Mode to get them within 1 or 2 days. U need to pay an extra amount of Rs.1000/- for each memo in Tatkaal Mode. U can apply in tatkal mode directly at JNTUH.

Q) What about the Advance Supple Exams ?

Ans : Notification will be issued for the advance supple by JNTUH after declaring the 4-2 Regular/Supple Exams. Advance supple exams will be conducted only for 4-2 semester.

Q) Will there be any supple for project work & comphernsive viva-voice ?

Ans : Yes supple will be conducted for project & comphernsive viva-voice before starting of advance supple exams. Notification will be issued for the same along with advance supplementary exam notification.

Q) What all the certificates/memos will be issued after 4-2 results ?
Ans : After declaring the results JNTUH will issue 4-2 Semester individual memo, CMM, PC & OD.

CMM: Consolidated Marks Memo/Credit sheet (which contains marks of all years)
(A proposal has been received from the Director of Evaluation to collect an extra fee of Rs.1000-00 per each certificate / marks memo under TATKAAL scheme from the students whenever there is urgent requirement of the educational certificates by the students.)

PC: Provisional Certificate
Sample PC screenshot is available in the below link. image is re-sized , Just click on it for the original resolution. PC is valid only for 1 to 2 years. U need to apply for OD within those 1 to 2 years.

OD: Original Degree.
U can apply For OD after notification is issued by JNTUH. (Which will be issued April/May 2014). If you are in a urgent need of OD then u can apply for OD after u get the CMM,PC in Pre-Convocation Mode.

Q) I have backlogs in few semesters, if i clear them then when will i get CMM,PC ?

Ans : Within a week after declaring the results, memos (CMM,PC along with semesters marks memos) will be dispatched to your respective colleges. Later u can collect them from your respective college.

Q) What is the requirement to get the degree For R09 B.Tech & B.Pharmacy Students ?
Ans: A student will be declared eligible for the award of the B. Tech & B.Pharmacy Degree if he fulfills the following academic regulations:

For Regular Students (Who got admitted in 2009)
1) Pursue a course of study for not less than four academic years and in not more than eight academic years.
2) Register for 200 credits and secure all 200 credits. (i.e., Students need to clear all the subjects from 1 to 4 Years in order to get the degree).

For Lateral Entry Scheme Students (Who got admitted in 2010 i.e.,directly in 2nd Year)
1) Pursue a course of study for not less than three academic years and in not more than six academic years.
2) B.Tech : Register for 150 credits and secure all 150 credits from II to IV year of Regular B.Tech/B.Pharmacy program.(i.e., Students need to clear all the subjects from 2 to 4 Years in order to get the degree).
3) B.Pharmacy : Register for 154 credits and secure all 154 credits from II to IV year of Regular B.Tech/B.Pharmacy program.(i.e., Students need to clear all the subjects from 2 to 4 Years in order to get the degree).

Q) Do we have an option to leave subjects & get the degree like previous regulations R07,R05?
Ans : No your batch (R09) do not have an option to leave subjects. U need to clear all the subjects from all year's/semester's in order to be declared eligible for the award of the Degree.

Q) Will JNTUH release any notification for exception of 2 subjects For R09 batch too?

Ans : Chances are rare to pass an order for exception of subjects for R09 students. If yet any such notification is issued we will alert u as soon as possible.

Q) Does B.Tech & B.Pharmacy R09 Lateral Entry scheme students have exception of 2 subjects ?
Ans : No u don't have any exception.

Q) What Does Practical subjects mean ?
Ans : Practical subjects are Labs in each semester.

Q) Can i get my PC,CMM after clearing all the subjects (i.e., securing 200 or 154 or 150 credits) ?
Ans : Yes at a time after u secure 200 Credits (For Regular Students), 150 Credits (B.Tech Lateral Entry Scheme) & 154 Credits (B.Pharmacy Lateral Entry Scheme) U can get CMM,PC.

Q) What about Grace Marks & 0.15% rule ?

Ans : Grace Marks rule is applicable only for JNTUH Students. For More details visit the following

Q) Does class Change & Grace Marks Rule are applicable for R09 Students ?

Ans : Yes both Class change & Grace marks rules are applicable for JNTUH R09 Students of B.Tech & B.Pharmacy.

Q) Rules For Award Of Degree ?
Class Awarded
% of marks to be secured
First Class with Distinction
70% and above
First Class
Below 70% but not less than 60%
Second Class
Below 60% but not less than 50%
Pass Class
Below 50% but not less than 40%

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